We Can Help Grow Your Business!
- Professional Development Opportunities
- Education About Timely Community Issues
- A Voice -or- Forums With Elected Officials
- Networking Socials & B2B Groups
- We Provide Localized Programming And Respond To Local Community Needs
- Fun Annual Events Such As Our Golf Outing At Pine Hills
- Economic Assistance Opportunities
- Ribbon Cuttings Opportunities for a New Business to be introduced to the community
- At Your Business Break Monthly opportunity for a member business to host an open house/coffee break
- We Support the Community to promote the conditions necessary for a prosperous business atmosphere
- Free listing in the Chamber’s Online Member Directory
Membership Levels
1. Charter: Reserved for the businesses that have been with the Chamber since the beginning and were instrumental to the establishment of the Chamber. It is an honor to be considered a Charter member.
2. Regular: Businesses that are 51% American Indian Owned and operated.
3. Associate: Associate members are local reputable non-native businesses that support the activities of the Menominee Chamber.
*All membership applications are subject to ¾ approval by the Board of Directors.
*Membership is effective with approval and payment of dues.
*Membership is renewed annually in January.
*Membership dues are $25 for three or less employees and $50 for four or more employees.
Menominee Area Chamber of Commerce
Physical Address: N559 Library Road Keshena, WI 54135
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 543, Keshena, WI 54135
Phone: 715-799-6000
Fax: 715-799-5721
Email: menomineechamber@frontiernet.net
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